Wednesday, November 22, 2017


If you aren't currently hearing Tevye belting "Tradition, tradition, tradition..." then you read my post title incorrectly.  Please go back and read it again before continuing on with this post. Thanks!
So we in this choas house we call a home, have many traditions.  One being... Disneyland cinnamon rolls for Thanksgiving and Christmas!  This is a tradition that I've cursed myself over the last decade for making.  Who wants to spend an hour making cinnamon rolls when you've just spent the day cleaning every nook and cranny of your house and painstakingly making rolls and pies?  Not me, but because I love my four offspring, I do it.  This year, however, I concocted a brilliant plan.  I taught The Sassy One how to make them!  One more year of training and I will be able to spend my Thanksgiving Eve sipping Dr, Pepper and watching Elf!